Never before has a TV breakup hurt so much. And left us blubbering like such idiots.
Tonight we Lost fans lost our "Constant" for the past six long years. The show we connected with on such a soul-grippingly deep level, it feels as if we haven't lost a TV series, but a true friend.
So did the series finale live up to expectations? And what did it all mean? Let's dig in...
One glance at Twitter, Facebook etc. tonight shows that the fans are pretty divided on Lost's final episode. Some loved it, some hated it and some are still trying to figure out what the bejeezus happened. I'm most definitely in the first camp: LOVED IT, as tonight's finale was perhaps the most emotionally gratifying series ender of all time, and gave us exactly what Damon and Carlton promised--resolution on the things that mattered most to the characters.
Jack, Kate, Locke, Desmond, Sawyer, Juliet, Claire, etc. all ended up in a happy place...but what exactly was that place?
The Sideways World Was a Road to "The Light": Charlie's (
Dominic Monaghan) iconic question from the very first episode--"Guys, where are we?"--came full circle tonight, as Jack Shepard (
Matthew Fox) asked that very Q of his father Christian Shepard in Lost's epic final scene.
Jack: Where are we?
Christian: This is a place you all made together so you could find one another...Nobody does it all alone. You needed them and they needed you.
Jack: For what?
Christian: To remember and to let go.
Obviously, precisely "where" these characters were and where they were going will be long debated, but for what it's worth, here's my take: Damon and Carlton told the truth when they said the island was not purgatory. It wasn't, and what happened there happened, and everyone was alive. However, the Sideways world was a place of limbo (a blissed-out one, that lead to "the light"). Jack was waiting until he was ready to "let go" and cross over to some form of heaven. The Losties who appeared in the church all died at different times in different places (some much later on), and came together in that space to help Jack make the journey. Throughout the season, the blood that appeared on Jack's neck was an indication that Jack was already dead/dying and on his way to "another life, brotha." (A little Sixth Sense-ish, perhaps.)
Time didn't matter. Space didn't matter. What mattered was that Jack moved on to where he was meant to go. And the people who mattered most to him where there to help him do it
So What Is Lost's "Heaven?" It's That Other "L Word": Lesbians! (I keed.) Boss
Damon Lindelof told me several weeks back that Lost is, at its very core, a LOVE story. "Always has been. Always will be." And tonight, as each set of "constants" reconnected in the Sideways world--Sun and Jin, Charlie and Claire, Jack and Kate, Juliet and Sawyer--it's safe to assume that they were able to accept their destiny, let go and "move on" to the other side...a place that's like heaven, where they can be with the ones they love. These connections--Sun and Jin at the ultrasound; Charlie and Claire holding Aaron; Juliet and Sawyer at the vending machine; Kate touching Jack at the concert--were some of the most spine-tingingly romantic moments ever seen on television. Beautiful, Darlton. Just beautiful.
Jack Was Supposed to Die--From the Very Beginning: "There was an early version of the script in which my chracter was killed off in the first or second act,"
Matthew Fox told me way back at Lost's first premiere party. Jack was to be a guest star such as--can you picture this?--
Michael Keaton. "The network hated that idea," a Lost insider told me. "They said you can't have an audience invest in a leading man and then off him so quickly." So instead they let us invest for six seasons only to find out that it was all about Jack's death after all?! Gaaaah! Of course, we should have seen it coming the second Rose told Jack in the season opener: "It's OK. You can let go."
On Kimmel tonight, Matthew Fox backed up Jimmy's theory that Jack's island experience was real, and really happened (Christian Shepard told him so), but the final season (and the Sideways world) was Jack's "test" to determine whether he would go toward the light or...not.
"There's room for interpretation based on your spiritual beliefs," Matthew said. That would explain the stained-glass window in the church with all of the major religions of the world represented--and the donkey wheel. We gotcha, Darlton! Very on the nose.
"I knew that the final image would be [Jack's] eye," Matthew told Kimmel. "And I knew that he would die."
But did you know that Vincent would lie down next to Jack to keep him company while he passed over? Cause JESUS that was a tearjerker. So well done.
Hurley Got to Be the New Jacob! Yes, Jack fulfilled his destiny by drinking the wine, replugging the cork down in the light cave and saving the island (and everyone we love), but it was Hurley who ended up as the next protector of the island. Anyone else choke up as Hurley asked Ben to stick around and help him, finally giving Ben what he wanted all along: a real purpose?
Of course, we should have seen that it would be Hurley, as he is the one true, pure spirit who never once lied to anyone, and carried a simple, but sizeable heart...just like Jacob. To quote that awesome West Wing woman CJ Craig: "It was always you. I see that now."
And by the way, that scene with Jack down at the replugged cork, sobbing as the water and the light started rushing back in, is arguably Matthew Fox's finest work to date.
Even Claire Got a Happy Ending.
Kate convincing Claire to get on the plane, and that
"no one knows how
to be a mother at first, but I'll show you" was certainl one of the most satisfying moments of the finale--at least for this mom. After so much heartbreak--and the recent abandonment of Ji Yoeon--Claire got to go home and be a mother to Aaron, whom we were told long ago should not be raised by another. And Kate got to stay close to the boy she raised for three years. Nice.
Damon Lindelof just tweeted what he has said will be his last words about Lost: "Remember. Let go. Move on. I will miss it more than I can ever say."
Clearly, it's the message the producers would like us to carry from tonight. And though the debates will rage on over what Lost was about, why Kate ended up with Jack and not Sawyer, and why
Josh Holloway runs like a girl (kidding...sorta), I think we all can agree that Lost was ground-breaking television unlike anything we've seen before--or will probably ever see again.
Lost, you will be sorely missed. Thanks for one hell of a ride. Or you know, whatever you want to call that dark place.
Please check back later to see my answers to lingering questions such as the Man in Black's name (yes, he had one), what happened to Walt and more, plus reactions from me and the fans--straight from my Lost finale party tonight.
The Lost stars have lingering questions--and we got Damon and Carlton to answer 'em right here!